Conversations at the Crossroads: The Prologue
The Impact Trust’s Conversations at the Crossroads series will hold its first session “The Prologue” on 18 June from 18:00 CET.
The Conversations at the Crossroads series presents a public platform that seeks to explore and reflect the truth about the time we’re in and the decisions we must make. With a commitment to an open, inclusive society, the series will seek to engage and reflect the diversity of views, voices and experiences that will contest, challenge and construct common stories of sense- and meaning making. The discontinuity in our lives triggered by the COVID pandemic creates a unique peacetime opportunity to recalibrate our priorities, reconsider our possibilities, and reconfigure our politics, economies and business models.
The first conversation of the series will see Gary Kendall set the scene by sharing perspectives on the perception of the “pandemic as an event” and highlight why our collective reluctance to reconceive paradigms commits us to a future of growing systemic risk. The conversation will be moderated by the EFC’s Chief Executive Gerry Salole.
Participants are invited to engage, support and drive the direction of discussion with their authentic and thoughtful contributions.