Scholarship programme
The scholarship programme provides the opportunity for participants who would not otherwise be able to attend, to join the Philea Forum and share, learn and explore together new ideas and approaches to tackling the urgent challenges of our times.
Participants share, learn and explore together new ideas and approaches to tackling the urgent challenges of our times, forging connections that last well beyond the Forum.
To support participants who would not otherwise be able to attend the Forum, Philea organises the scholarship programme to fund the registration fee, and other associated costs, for potential participants who wish to attend the Forum. The programme provides an opportunity for colleagues working in smaller foundations to expand their knowledge of the foundation world while simultaneously bringing to the Forum the challenges, best practices and innovations of their own organisations.
Over the past 18 years the scholarship programme has brought approximately 190 delegates from over 36 countries to Philea conferences, ensuring a diversity of geography, gender and topical focus throughout.
Funding for the programme comes from donor organisations within the Philea membership who wish to support the programme. Past donors to the programme include the Barrow Cadbury Trust, Bertelsmann Stiftung, Fondation Limbard Odier, Fondazione CRT, and Realdania.
Each year, Philea offers the opportunity to cover the registration costs of participants who fit specific criteria so that they might attend the Philea Forum.
The programme is designed for Philea Members and Affiliates and priority will be given to:
- First-time attendees of the Philea Forum
- Young participants
- Professionals that are new to the sector