Philea Forum

The Philea Forum gives members the chance to meet with over 650 professionals and representatives from philanthropy, corporates, (I)NGOs, EU and multilateral institutions, think tanks and the media.

Participants share, learn and explore together new ideas and approaches to tackling the urgent challenges of our times, forging connections that last well beyond the Forum.

The event is held in a different European city each year, rotating back to Brussels regularly to give delegates a chance to engage in Philea’s ongoing advocacy work with the EU institutions and policymakers.

If the Philea Forum is about one thing, it’s about connection. At the event European philanthropy professionals and leaders can meet face-to-face with their peers in the sector, as well as with academics, policymakers and other representatives of civil society. Participants exchange and brainstorm during 3 days of sessions, workshops, plenaries, networking breaks, social events and site visits. Bonds formed among delegates last well beyond the Forum. Philea staff help facilitate these connections – before, during and after the event.

Philea Forum 2024

The Philea Forum 2024 took place in Ghent, Belgium on 27-30 May, hosted by a group of Belgian organisations.

Scholarship programme

To support participants who would not otherwise be able to attend the Forum, Philea organises the scholarship programme to fund the registration fee, and other associated costs, for potential participants who wish to attend the Forum. The programme provides an opportunity for colleagues working in smaller foundations to expand their knowledge of the foundation world while simultaneously bringing to the Forum the challenges, best practices and innovations of their own organisations.


Isabel Valero
Conference and Events Manager
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