2 October 2023

European Day of Foundations and Donors 2023

2023 theme: Building Tomorrow, Together

Like a forest, philanthropy is a diverse, complex and resilient ecosystem evolved to specific environments over a long period of time. And just like the flora and fauna co-habiting within a forest, philanthropy is in evidence at various levels, from large evergreen organisations working globally to those focused entirely at grassroots level, and every level in between. But all are rooted in the same soil – a common motivation to do good.

Crises are as connected as they are complex, and from Covid fallout to climate change to cost of living, philanthropy needs a more varifocal lens. There has never been a greater need for strong, responsive infrastructure at the local, national, regional and global level.

#October1Europe is a day for celebrating our sector, and sharing solutions to challenges that will help us build tomorrow, together.

How to participate

Hold an event

Philanthropic organisations across Europe hold events on or around 1 October. Philea maintains a running list of all these activities from across Europe and spreads the word online and on the dedicated hub on our website. Let us know if you are planning something!

Engage in the online campaign

All you have to do is share your ideas, events, projects or thoughts on your work or the value of philanthropy using the #October1Europe. We’ve made it easy by creating a toolkit with an email signature, social media posts, logos and more for you to use as is, or adapt with your own content.

Activities happening across Europe


The 6th Annual Conference of Verband für gemeinnütziges Stiften will take place on 28 September in the frame of “”All together now!” – The power of cooperation in the foundation sector.”


The National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society will celebrate the European Day of Foundations and Donors during Philanthropy Week 2023 from 23 September to 1 October 1, in collaboration with the European Foundation for Philanthropy and Social Development. Many members of the ZaDobroBIT! Croatian Forum will organise events as part of the week, to motivate citizens in the continued development of philanthropy in the area.


The Association of Finnish Foundations will publish the 2022 statistics of foundations’ support for academic research, arts, and other societal development in Finland and has invited 227 members and other foundations to participate in celebrating the day.


The Centre français des Fonds et Fondations will organise a roundtable to talk about a subject at the heart of the actions and ambitions of funds and foundations, innovation. If it allows us to make great scientific advances, it also helps to confront human fragilities and repair social fractures.


In the framing of the European Day of Foundations and Donors, Acri and Assifero will launch a communications campaign on the issue of labour inclusion, which will see a week long campaign and over 100 work related projects showcased under the umbrella of “We are working on it. Let’s ignite the energy of the communities”


Stiftelsesforeningen and BI Norwegian Business School are organising a seminar for foundations, “How Foundations Contribute to Society – Purpose Realization and Societal Impact for Foundations with Different Objectives” on 12 October for the annual European Day for Foundations and Donors.


The Serbian Philanthropy Forum will mark the European Day of Foundations and Donors as part of its campaign for the 9 October, National Giving Day. The campaign, on the “Year of Goodness” will recognize, highlight, praise, and promote camaraderie, tolerance, caring for others, and humanity.


The Asociación Española de Fundaciones have organised together with ONCE the presentation of the ONCE Coupon #October1Europe – European Day of Foundations and Donors, which will take place on 27 September, within the framework of Demos 2023.