14 April 2020

European Cultural Foundation invites submissions for online Europe Day

The European Cultural Foundation is celebrating Europe Day 2020 as an online festival, to be experienced in shared isolation and is inviting contributors to the live event to submit ways to show their work digitally.

The foundation had preparations for a physical celebration of Europe Day 2020 well under way, until the onset of the coronavirus crisis caused a shift in thinking and a need for new plans. These new plans entail recreating the day  as an online festival which will will feature a series of ‘windows’ that let us imagine, experience and share Europe.

The festival, to be found at europeday.eu, will see a curated film programme of IDFA focusing on European stories, a virtual exhibition by the Europeans, the most striking clips from the Europe Now school project, digital artworks on the charter of fundamental rights that exists 20 years this year, statements by European opinion makers on Corona and its’ consequences for European culture and way of living, and more.

The European Cultural Foundation is inviting further ‘windows’ for submission for the online celebration by 1 May.

To submit a ‘window’ contact Friso Wiersum or Eva Barneveld.