24 September 2019

Call for ideas and speakers for 2020 EFC Annual Conference

We warmly invite you to join us in shaping the 2020 EFC AGA and Conference, “Foundations and the New Normal – How to Innovate Philanthropy?” to be held 20-22 May in Vienna. We are eager to receive your ideas for key discussion topics within the theme of the conference, and your suggestions for the right people to speak to those issues.

Conference theme – Changing contexts have brought about a “New Normal”

The last decade has seen momentous changes as well as gradual developments in Europe that have deeply altered the contexts – economic, political, societal and environmental – in which philanthropy carries out its activities as an essential part of civil society, in particular as a bridge to the public and private sectors. In essence, we need to determine why and how foundations can matter today, and what philanthropy can offer in specific terms under particular circumstances to innovate, create and move open, democratic, liberal and caring societies in Europe and beyond.  Check out the pre-conference video which was unveiled to the 800+ participants at the EFC AGA and conference in Paris in May.

The 4 thematic tracks – Climate / Democracy / Society / Philanthropy

To begin to answer these questions in light of the changed contexts in which we find ourselves, this year’s EFC annual conference will feature a new format. The discussions will be focused within 4 tracks dealing with the key and most urgent issues facing society and the community of philanthropic foundations. These tracks, which will run parallel throughout the conference, will be moderated by an expert who is widely recognised in the field, and each will consider the four underlying themes of culture, digital agenda, education and civic engagement.

Short, targeted contributions

In contrast to previous years, we will not feature distinct speaker panels, but rather short (15 – 30 min.) interventions topical to the tracks as outlined above. These interventions can be in the form of an expert speaking on a specific aspect of the track; testimonials from a particularly successful (or unsuccessful) project or foundation action; or other important facts, events, research etc. that can inform the general discussion and shed light on the way we as philanthropic organisations will be able to face and shape the New Normal.

We need your ideas and suggestions!

This is your chance to contribute ideas and nominate speakers to provide inputs and contributions to the 4 conference tracks:

  • What do you feel are the urgent topics that philanthropy needs to discuss and explore within these 4 tracks?
  • Who would be well placed to speak to those topics?
  • What philanthropic projects or programmes would be valuable inputs into the discussion?
  • What creative and new ideas do you have for contributions within this new format?

Please send in your suggestions to aga@efc.be before 8 November!