13 March 2020

Apply for the Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity

Humanity is facing an unprecedented climate crisis with impacts that encompass key sustainable development components such as public health, access to safe drinking water, clean air, food security and secure shelter. Science informs us that the impacts of climate change are advancing at a faster rate than anticipated and may have irreversible effects on our natural systems.

Without drastic change, the consequences will continue to be devastating for humankind, particularly to the most vulnerable.

The Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity highlights the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s commitment to urgent climate action. Notably, it seeks to speed up the transition to a carbon neutral society, to mitigate the negative effects of climate change for people, the environment and the economy, and to promote a society that is more resilient and better prepared for future global changes and to protect the most vulnerable in particular.

This initiative strives to draw attention to and leverage large-scale climate action responses, helping to speed up the process of decarbonising the global economy, protecting people and natural systems from severe effects associated to climate change and supporting sustainable development.

More information here.