8 April 2021

A warm EFC welcome to our newest affiliate, the European AIDS Treatment Group

The EFC welcomes its latest members and affiliates to its worldwide network of philanthropic organisations! To find out more on EFC membership and what it can provide visit here.

Our new affiliate:

European AIDS Treatment Group – Germany

The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) is a patient-led NGO that advocates for the rights and interests of people living with, or affected by HIV/AIDS and related co-infections within the WHO Europe region. The organisation is a network of more than 150 members from 45 countries across Europe.

The Group seeks to engage, inform and empower all people living with and affected by HIV by improving their health-related quality of life and holistic well-being and testing strategies in affected communities that can yield new HIV, viral hepatitis, TB and STI diagnostics, medicines, medical devices and care, as well as progress towards a cure.